
How to Attract the Right Coaching Clients (and Repel the Wrong Ones!)


Do you ever feel like you’re attracting clients who just don’t mesh with your coaching style? It can really take the joy out of your work. I’m thrilled to share a conversation I had with Jennifer Bourn where we dive into how to get coaching clients that are just right for you. We talk about spotting red flags early, aligning with clients who resonate with your approach, and how to steer clear of those who might not be the best fit.

If you’ve ever felt the strain of misaligned clients, you’ll find our discussion incredibly valuable. Let’s explore how you can make your coaching journey more joyful and fulfilling!


For a deeper dive into our conversation, the full transcript is available below.

Milana Leshinsky: All right. Welcome, everybody. My name is Milana Leshinsky, and I am here with Jennifer Bourn. Jennifer is a encyclopedia of a lot of resources when it comes to building and growing a coaching business. Her company is called CoachFactory.co which is a resource website, tools, resources, just the knowledge base for coaches who want to grow their business.

My business is called CoachingGenie.com, which is a coaching software for coaches who want to run group coaching programs, courses, one on one programs, and scale their business online. And we get together once a month with Jennifer just to chat, right? And we chat about things that really matter to coaches. It’s sort of like an unofficial podcast for us, right, Jennifer?

Jennifer Bourn: It is.

Milana Leshinsky: And so today we’re going to talk about something that I actually have never seen people talk about this. A lot of times we hear conversations about how to attract coaching clients, right? There’s a lot of books, programs blogs about it, but I’ve never actually heard anybody talk about how do you attract the right clients and not just the right because they are, they need your help, but they’re the right clients for you, right?

And so I think this is a hot conversation because that really adds to the joy factor of you running your coaching business. And that’s why we are in business so that we can really enjoy our life through our business because that’s what a coaching business really is. It is a lifestyle business for most of us.

So I’m going to start by asking you, Jennifer, a question. And by the way, do you want to say anything else about Coach Factory? Cause I always kind of run through the introduction, but if there’s anything else that you want to say that I missed, I would love for you to add to it.

Jennifer Bourn: I think the biggest thing really is Coach Factory is a podcast and a resource site for coaches.

So all of our assets and downloads and worksheets and guides are all things that you can download and repurpose and rebrand for your own business. They’re there for you to access, download, and totally customize. And it’s all free. It is run by our core company Motivation Code because coaches are a primary audience for us.

One of the largest batches of customers, one of our largest customer segments is coaches who use the Motivation Code assessment with their customers. So Coach Factory is our way to kind of give back.

Milana Leshinsky: Awesome. Thank you so much for expanding on that. I did not know that you had like customizable content.

So that’s awesome. I just learned something about coach factory. So I’m going to ask you, what is the one, you know, you run your programs. What is the, like the biggest thing that you do, like a step or a strategy that you use to make sure that you attract the right quote right clients. into your programs?

Jennifer Bourn: That’s a really, really good question and is twofold now. Forever, right? Number one, every single person should be doing customer research. The core thing that I do as a business owner that I’ve done even before I offered coaching through my own you know, business through JenniferBourn. com. I did customer research when I worked as a designer and I do customer research as a part of copywriting.

And now as a part of coaching, when you look at who your customers are and you do interviews with your best, most favorite clients, and you do surveys of your audience, when you dig into the language that people use in your best testimonials and how they talk about what you do and the impact of your work and the value that your relationship and work together had, you can take their words, their language.

All of the things that they say, and you can work that into your brand messaging and your copy and your content so that when they interact with you, when they hear you talk about your brand, when they hear you talk about your program, when they read your copy, or they read a blog post or listen to you on a video, they hear those little things that make them go.

It’s like you’re reading my mind. That’s what I was just saying to my friend. How do you know that about me? You must be who I’ve been looking for. I need to know more. I need to figure this out. I should book a call, right? When you can resonate with people that deeply, you pull the right people in.

Milana Leshinsky: So awesome. What I’m hearing is What’s that?

Jennifer Bourn: I was going to say, that was the first part. I told you there were two parts.

Milana Leshinsky: Oh, that’s the first part. Okay, let me.

Jennifer Bourn: So we’ll come back to the second part because it sounds like you had a question.

Milana Leshinsky: I just want to kind of emphasize brand messaging is the first thing that you focus on, which really consists of the language that you’re using, what you say in your copy, in your content.
It’s the brand messaging to make sure that when people hear you or see you or read something that you wrote, they can quickly resonate and recognize themselves and their challenges in your messaging. Okay, what’s the second part?

Jennifer Bourn: A hundred percent. And really, the truth about brand messaging is that most people write it from the perspective of what they think people need to know and what they want people to know and what they want to say.

But that’s making some wild assumptions because how other people talk about what you do may not be the same. You may talk about things differently. You view your work differently. So that’s why customer research or client research is so important. It can be made a little bit easier. By using assessment tools, right?

A lot of coaches use tools like Kolbe or DISC or Myers Briggs or Motivation Code. I now use our Motivation Code assessment in all all of my client relationships and coaching programs. Mainly from my own experience taking it and then seeing how coaches or use these assessments to better understand what makes their clients tick so they can make their coaching a lot more sticky, like you might know.

When you know yourself, when you have great self awareness and you know what drives you to go all in and what gets you excited about your work and what makes you want to say, yes, like, I’m going to go above and beyond for this client, when you know what those factors are, what those motivations and drivers are, you know what kind of clients fit you best.

So when, for example, with Motivation Code, when you find out what your motivational drivers are, like I am an orchestrator and an achiever and my motivations, like one of mine is collaboration. So I know I want to work with clients who are highly motivated. Collaborative and interactive, and I’m not going to be content working with somebody who just sits there, listens, and then, like, gets off the call, like, I want that interaction, and that’s what’s going to fill me up.

So I know I need clients like that, and when you’re, you have your clients take an assessment to better understand how they react to what you put out there when you understand how you interact and where you might have little conflict or where you’re going to really gel, then, you know, oh, right, they’re going to be a great fit or, oh, we might have a little bit of a problem here, or my coaching is going to work really great for this person, or my coaching style might not be as great for this person.

And in our assessment with Motivation Code, one of the tools in our premium report is a tool that lets you say, okay, here’s one of my motivations and here’s one of my clients. Tell me how we’re going to work together.

And it’ll tell you, here’s all the positive ways you work together. And here’s all the ways you might have conflict or where you might run into issues.

And for me, knowing that upfront as a coach, when I’m working with a client, I can keep that top of mind and I can watch out for those signals early on, or I can vet clients way easier in the discovery process to make sure that we both get the most out of the relationship.

Milana Leshinsky: So the Motivation Code assessment really helps you understand what motivates your clients and how to work with them and whether you will gel based on the results of the assessment.

So part one is brand messaging. Part two is client research through assessments. And I love that you have Motivation Code because that really does help coaches attract the right clients. When I suggested we talk about this today, I didn’t realize that’s what your assessment really does, Jennifer.

So that’s really cool. So that’s a big part of what I totally agree with everything you said. And I’m wondering, like, you know, some people will say, I did a discovery session with a client and I immediately felt like this, this, and that did not really resonate with me. So I don’t think they’ll make a great client.

And that is easy to spot when you do discovery sessions. In my business, I don’t do discovery sessions. I attract clients through my website, through my webinars, through my newsletter. We have referrals, you know, joint venture partnerships. So sometimes people come into my business and into my programs and they, you know, I haven’t like screened them or filtered them out through any kind of filter or an assessment.

And so I noticed some things that like, okay, well, I know this is going to be a great client because they are collaborative. Like you said, you know, they’re not going to just look for answers. We’re going to explore the answers together. They ask the right questions. They’re curious. They’re motivated to achieve their goal.

And then sometimes I’ll get clients and in my programs and I experienced things like, okay, well, I know this is going to be a challenging client. Maybe even will ask for a refund pretty quickly based on the number of questions they ask. Trying to enrollment in the program, because to me, that tells me that they have a lot of fear, right?

People ask questions when they have a lot of hesitations, doubts, fears, and they may be a wonderful client, just not for me, because there are coaches who love, you know, calming the fears and working around the doubts and hesitations and self doubt. It’s just not who I am as a coach. And so I have to be very aware of that.

I don’t know if you ever experienced, I also have sometimes people asking me, can I talk to you before enrolling into the program? And I’m thinking this is a thousand dollar program. And, you know, jumping on a call.

Yeah, I can do that, but I can’t do that for everybody. So to me, that’s almost like do I keep my boundaries?

And, you know, just kind of let’s have a chat by email. And if you still have questions, then I’ll jump on the call. But that to me is a red flag. So I’m almost like becoming very aware of the red flags for me. And so I’m just curious what your experience has been around all of what I just shared.

Jennifer Bourn: Well, I think everybody’s green flags and red flags are different. Right. And it comes, it’s based on your comfort level, how you want to do business, what your business model is, the boundaries that you set. Right. So what’s a red flag for you might not be a red flag for me. Like a thousand dollars might be a little bit of money to some people, but it’s a lot of money to other people.

And I’m not going to judge how you feel about your money. So for me, in my business, I’m like, somebody emails me and says, Hey, can I talk about this? I’m like, of course, I’m happy to jump on and give anybody 15 minutes and answer some questions. So for me, I don’t, that’s not a red flag, but it’s going to be different for everybody because like, I have friends who are like, Jen, you’re insane.

I would never do that. Would never do that. But so it’s how you want to run your business, how you filter and vet clients and all of those kinds of things. In my courses, they don’t have a vetting process, right? My coaching programs, we have conversations because I know who I work really well with.

If you aren’t somebody who does the work, then I know I’m not going to like working with you. I work with people that get stuff done with people that do the work. And if you’re not that person, we’re not going to gel. So for my coaching, I vet. We have conversations. We vet, we go through that. But for my courses, I’m like, you can sign up on the website, buy it.

There’s no, there’s, there’s no vetting process, just like you said. And in that case, customer research is even more important because they do get in there and you’re like, Oh, why did you even sign up for this? That is a signal that there’s something in your copy, right? That made them think that it was a fit.

So it’s figuring out. Yeah. Why? Like what made them think that this was a fit or where was there an expectation misalignment or where was that? Sometimes it’s easy to figure out and sometimes it’s harder to figure out. So one of the best things that you can do when you figure out somebody isn’t a good fit or when somebody asks for a refund or they leave is to not be afraid to say, why?

Right? I would love to understand why this ended up not being a fit, right? What were you expecting that we didn’t deliver or what was, what didn’t fit for you? Ask those questions and figure it out so you can go back to your copy, go back to your messaging and make those little tweaks to help adjust that messaging in the future.

So anytime I run into that issue, I’m always asking, tell me why. Tell me a little bit more. But what was it? What was it that made you jump in? What was it that’s making you pull back? Sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding and you can get past it. And sometimes it’s not. One of the things that I love about using assessments is that when you know, right?

How somebody is motivated, how they show up, how they interact, right? How they bring their best to the table, how they’re wired to think and make decisions and communicate. If they’re not a fit, it makes it so much easier to say they’re not a fit because let’s face it, a lot of people are really uncomfortable having that conversation.

They’re really uncomfortable saying, Hey. I know, right, that you’re in here and everything else, but I actually don’t think that we’re going to be the best fit to work together. I actually don’t think I’m the right person to help you reach those goals. That’s a scary conversation to have when somebody is already paid.

So we shy away from it. And a lot of times coaches will say, I’ll just get through this one.

Milana Leshinsky: Well, it’s a rejection. It’s a rejection of a client.

Jennifer Bourn: Right? And that’s, that’s uncomfortable. Yeah. But when you use an assessment. And you can see their results plain and clear. It is, it becomes less about, I don’t want to work with you.
And more about look at this data. You are somebody who will thrive in situations like this. You are somebody who will do the best and stay engaged and do the work and achieve your goals when you’re supported in this way. When you work with these kind of people, I’m actually not that person. My approach is slightly different.

You really should look for somebody who is like this, and then it’s less about you rejecting that client and saying, I don’t want to work with you. It’s more about, Oh, look at this data. You would be an ideal client for somebody like this. Yeah. And I want to give you the opportunity to be the ideal beloved client.

Milana Leshinsky: I love that. Beloved client.

Jennifer Bourn: That feels so much better.

Milana Leshinsky: And we’re, we’re just exploring this, right? Like, I honestly, when, when we decided to talk about this, I had no idea what will surface up, but there’s so much surfacing up from you that I’m listening to you, Jennifer.

Jennifer Bourn: Yeah.

Milana Leshinsky: So I’m going to go back to when I mentioned to when you were saying, well, you’re totally fine with somebody asking for a call. To me when somebody is asking for a call before they sign up for the program.

It’s not even about giving 15 minutes of my time. I can do that easily. But to me, it feels like I’m establishing expectations that it’s okay to ask for a call. a private call in the middle of a group coaching program. Okay. So all the things that I offer in my group programs, you know, like I use Coaching Genie, which means people can submit their questions.

They can give and receive feedback. They can also come to other group members for support and accountability and, you know, form partnerships and friendships within the group.

By giving them. a private call prior to the program enrollment, I feel like I’m saying, yes, it’s okay to ask me to get on the call with you privately.

So for me, it’s more about the expectations and not, you know, scarcity of time, which I, of course I have just like anybody else runs a, you know, a busy business. So I would say that that is why I don’t like doing calls.

Jennifer Bourn: Yeah. And it totally makes sense. I hold a really, really strong boundary in free calls are not coaching calls and they’re not consulting calls.
They are answering questions to clarify decisions on, right? So I hold a really, really strong boundary there. I’m going to tell you another good secret. If your software supports it, whatever you’re using, whether you’re using Coaching Genie to run your programs or whatever it is that you’re using and if you do not offer one on one sessions, you don’t offer that.

You want to hold that boundary. I love that. Have a call to action and a button and a little upsell that they can purchase a one on one for extra.

Milana Leshinsky: Absolutely.

Jennifer Bourn: Set the expectation right up front that it’s extra.

Milana Leshinsky: Within the program container, you can do that. Certainly do that. It’s the pre program conversations, especially the way that I offer my program says I always do sort of like a launch, you know a promotion and you know when you run a launch, you’re super busy. So yeah.

Calendar prior to the program start is almost impossible. So I always try to do this through email. So and i’m saying my clients might be watching and thinking did I ask for a call?

I don’t want anybody to like…

Jennifer Bourn: Some people are like DM me on social media and I’m like, no, I don’t do business that way. So it is all dependent on how, what your business model is and how you like to communicate and where you like to do that. There’s no one way that’s the right way. It’s whatever way works for you and what works best for your clients, right?

You know who your best clients are and you know what they need to make a buying decision.

Milana Leshinsky: And also the thing you just said, I don’t do that. Be okay with saying, even to yourself, I don’t do that. I don’t do social media with clients. I don’t chat with clients. I don’t jump on the call.
Actually. I just realized something. Somebody asked me for a quick 15 minute chat about the program. And I just went like, Oh, you know, I have the time. My Monday’s free. Okay, I’ll say yes. He didn’t show up.

Jennifer Bourn: Oh, that’s terrible.

Milana Leshinsky: After I broke my boundaries and said yes, it was validated to me that it wasn’t the right client in the first place.
So I, like you can tell, right. I want to talk about something else too. When you are marketing your program I think it’s really important to show your personality in your marketing. And you can do that through sharing your story, the use of video, right? Because it’s kind of hard to show you energy in writing.

So if you are comfortable being on video, I always do webinars. I’m always on video and always, you know, show my emotions and excitement and how supportive I will be and how nurturing and loving I am once people are in my program and I have that space to be there for them. So showing your personality, sometimes you know, enroll in a program and you feel excited about it, but you didn’t really connect with the person’s energy or their vibe.

And you know that this is not going to be a great experience for you. And I’ve been on a program like this, like I couldn’t even get through to the person because it was run by somebody else. So showing your personality, I think is really important. Being yourself is how you attract the right clients for you because the wrong

Jennifer Bourn: 100 percent.

Milana Leshinsky: Will just not be attracted to you. And you know, they will find things about you that will. Tell them that you are the wrong mentor, coach or instructor for them.

Jennifer Bourn: Oh, yeah. Well, let’s face it. There are, coaching is a huge industry. There are a ton of coaches that likely do and coach in the do the same thing that you do coach in the same way that you do that has almost the same program that have similar programs, right?

It’s the same in every industry. I spend years working primarily as a designer. And then as a copywriter, there are a billion designers out there and copywriters out there. The thing that differentiates you and makes somebody say you are for me is your voice, Hmm. Right. It is your perspective. Right?

Every designer can talk about what makes a great website, but the way I talk about it is going to be different than any other designer.

Every copywriter can talk about brand messaging and website copy and writing blog posts and writing video scripts. But the way that I talk about it and approach it and teach it and work with somebody is going to be different than anybody else. I have people that join one of my programs all the time that do other people’s programs first.

And they come in and what I hear is, you your voice is so much different. It’s so much more like mine. So everybody’s voice is going to be different. So you can have 10 coaches that all do the same thing and different people are going to resonate with different things.

So when you share your opinion, you plant your stake in the sand and you say, this is what I believe. This is my approach. This is how I work. This is the business model. This is how my program is structured. And you do it with confidence and you share your opinion and your perspective and your experience and your story.

People connect with you. They resonate with your message and they connect with your perspective. And that’s how they say, I feel like I know you because I’ve read your content. I’ve watched your videos. I’ve listened to you talk. I like what you have to say and I’ve seen it consistently. So I trust it. 100%. Yes.

Milana Leshinsky: You made me think of something.

That’s a great question for every coach to ask when people start working with you when they enter your programs. What do you think they might say, you know, I’ve been I’ve worked with 10 coaches, but it wasn’t until I met you that I. What, what would that be that say for me, they would say, I finally, you know, I’ve heard this from 10 people, but I finally, when you said that, I finally got it because, you know, people call me demystifier I simplify things, demystify things.

Maybe it’s the teacher in me because I have a, you know, education in my background and I like to clarify and simplify and simplify complex concepts. And so to me, that is a really big sign that we’re, you know, they’re the right people for me. It’s because when I say it, they get it. Not everybody gets it.

You know, just because I say it right. So. I want to talk about you know, we need to wrap up, but this is so important. We talked about so many different things around attracting the right clients for yourself. But I want to talk about the areas of misalignment, because it’s really about the alignment.

Like what areas should we look at to know that we are aligned in each of these areas? You know, like for me, it’s a big part of it is are you willing to you know, be in a group experience in a group environment. Are you a collaborative and a supportive person? Because that is what I want to create in my programs is where people really support each other.

And I create space and facilitate that. Yes, I am an expert on the topic, but I also would like to engage other group participants to support each other. It’s a group coaching program. And so I like for people to submit their weekly check ins to see what they’re getting stuck at.

And other members of the group and can see what they’re getting stuck on and support them. You know, so if you, like, if you are running your programs using something like Coaching Genie, you can create that container for your clients and for everybody else to see what they’re working on and what they’re struggling with and offer support.

So it’s now a space between those live coaching calls where people participate and connect. So by the time we get to the next call, everybody feels like, Oh my God, I got so much value already, just in that bit in between space. Right.

But I’m curious, Jennifer, what are some of the, and because you created Motivation Code. Is it motivation or motivational?

Jennifer Bourn: It’s Motivation Code. And I work there and support the product, but I didn’t create it.

Milana Leshinsky: Ah, okay.

Jennifer Bourn: This assessment science has been around since the 1950s, 60s ish. But it was only ever used one to one in interview style. And it was never really widely used. Behavioral psychologists and scientists used it with executives and headhunters only in one on one verbal interviews and then they would manually calculate all the results.

We applied the technology and turned it into a scalable assessment experience.

Milana Leshinsky: Got it. Well, you must know the assessment inside and out. You know, as somebody who has been running a business for many years. What are some of the areas of alignment or misalignment that we should look at when we are building our program and our marketing for the program?

Clearly it’s the problem that you solve. That’s a very obvious one. Okay. I solve this problem. People who will be aligned with me and my coaching are people who have that problem. That’s kind of like the basic one, but there’s more other ones. What can you, can you think about some of the areas that coaches really need to look at.

Jennifer Bourn: Everybody needs to look at what is the problem that you solve, how do you solve that problem, and what is the ultimate destination, right? What results are you looking for? But more importantly, what broader impact of those results do you crave? Like, why do you want to achieve those results? What bigger impact in your life, or your business, or your work do you want to achieve?

But beyond that, at Motivation Code, we’d look at motivational flow, right? So what prompts somebody to engage? What process they need to be involved in to stick with it and go all in and persevere, even in the face of challenge? And what payoff are they looking for at the end? Now motivations, when you discover how you’re motivated, it tells you exactly how to do that, what those things are.

But when you identify that, when you know, this is how I prefer to engage. This is how I prefer to work. And this is the payoff I want at the end. This is what lights me up and sets my soul on fire. Your clients need to be able to work in that process too, or you’re not going to be happy in your work.

You’re not going to be happy in your coaching. If clients don’t engage with you in the way that you need, they don’t work the way that you like to work, or they don’t seek the payoffs that you like to see happen. You won’t be satisfied which means you want to find clients that operate in a similar type of flow or that align with your type of flow.

And that means both of you will walk away feeling like this experience was worth every minute that I poured into it.

Milana Leshinsky: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I’m also thinking about, you know, personal alignment as well, right? Where you know that your values are similar between you and your client. Like you, your values and beliefs are in sync.

Your expectations and boundaries, they understand your boundaries and you have certain expectations that the client understands and they are okay with that. They get it. They respect that.

Accountability. Like, what does that look like? What do they expect for you to do for them? Are they taking personal responsibility and accountability for creating results?

I remember somebody said something very important. And I remembered for the rest of my business life is we’re not responsible for our clients. We’re responsible to them, so we have to show up and be there for them, but we’re not responsible for dragging them across the finish line to achieve the result that they want to achieve.

And coaching style. I think that that’s really important. Like, how does this like to be? Coached what do they value? Because sometimes, you know, as coaches we’ll offer certain elements of value whether it’s coaching calls or email or social media communication or Voxer, you know, a lot of people nowadays use Voxer or they will send out content to to people or they will refer clients to them if that’s a business coaching and they may not value that as much as you do and here you are thinking you are offering all this value to your clients, but they’re not appreciating.

So there’s some kind of misalignment. This is true in any relationship, you know, is what you’re giving being received the way you want it to be received, or are they not valuing and not appreciating maybe some of the sacrifices that you’re making or the things that you’re willing to do for your clients.

So it is a complex area of conversations, right? We could talk about this forever, but thank you for exploring the topic of attracting the right clients. Like we talked a lot about how to attract clients in general, but like, how do you make sure you end up

Jennifer Bourn: It’s so hard for people.

Milana Leshinsky: We want to end up with the right clients. How many times have you taken money from a client only to realize, dang, I must’ve given money way too much to say yes to them. I think coaches do that a lot, especially in their early days of running, building their business. Right. And that’s how we learn. We take money from a client who we want to have as a client.

We think it’s going to be a great client, but then we didn’t do a good job, good enough job making sure that there’s an alignment.

Jennifer Bourn: Oh yeah. The best contracts, the best client surveys, the best customer research interviews, the best copy comes from working with misaligned clients. Every, it happens to everybody.

It’s really easy for people to sit here and say, Oh, only work with ideal clients. I only work with perfect fit clients. I only work with clients I love.

It’s so easy to say that. And yes, for some of us who’ve been doing this a really, really, really, really, really long time, that is true. But it takes time to figure out who that person is.

It takes experience to realize, Ooh, I don’t I don’t like that dynamic. I don’t ever want to happen to have that happen again. I really like this dynamic. Let’s have more of that. I want more of these clients. I want less of this kind of like that comes with experience, right? So very few people are ever successful right out of the gate saying.

I only work with perfect fit people because they don’t know who that is yet. So if you’re still in the muck of figuring it out, it’s okay. Everybody at one point was in the muck of figuring it out. But every time you work with a client, sit down at the end and interview them, send them a survey, however you’re going to do it and reflect yourself.

What did I love about this experience and what was a little challenging about this experience? Ask yourself that? Yeah.

Milana Leshinsky: I felt like we were wrapping up, but there’s one extra thing that just kind of tapping me on my shoulder. Jennifer.

Jennifer Bourn: Sure.

Milana Leshinsky: I’ve been in a Facebook group where I saw coaches being shamed for not being a good enough coach to handle certain challenges in a coach client relationship, for example.

Jennifer Bourn: Don’t ever let somebody do that to you.

Milana Leshinsky: A good coach should, right? And you can get the best skills, you do whatever you want to do, whatever you need to do to become the best coach you can be. But at the end of the day, we’re all different.

There’s no such thing as a good coach should, because we’re all different. You know, maybe a good coach should help somebody overcome fears. And some coaches don’t do that particular part. A good coach should help motivate a client, and maybe some coaches don’t do that either. A good coach should make their client think for themselves and come up with their own solutions.

Well, some coaches don’t do that either. Every coach is different and so is every client. And so that shaming of a coach who doesn’t do things in a certain way. I don’t think there’s a place for that. Do you?

Jennifer Bourn: No. Nobody should ever shame someone else for doing something differently or thinking. There is no one right way to run a business, no one right way to form a coaching program, no one right way to put together a group program, no one right way to think about coaching, no one right approach.

It is what works for you and how you want to connect with and work with clients. And it’s what works for your clients. If you are helping them get from where they are to where they want to be, who cares if it doesn’t look like what somebody else thinks that should look like, as long as you’re helping clients get the goal, like get the results they want and hit their goal.

You do you and don’t listen to anybody that tells you Any different.

Milana Leshinsky: I think those are great final words for today’s discussion. Jennifer, thank you so much. Jennifer Bourn, CoachFactory.co, Milana Leshinsky, CoachingGenie.com. We will see you next time with another fascinating discussion. We are freestyling completely free flowing about topics important to you and growing your coaching business.

Thank you so much everybody for watching and we’ll see you next time.




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