
Group Coaching Programs, Coaching Groups, and Masterminds – What’s the Difference?


I used to think that all group coaching programs are done in the same way. But after almost 20 years in the coaching space, I discovered that there are probably as many group coaching models as there are coaches in the world.

Whatever you decide to call your group program, the delivery usually depends on the style of the group leader. And most often, it’s a combination of these 3 things:

  1. Coaching
  2. Teaching
  3. Masterminding

Here is the basic difference between a coaching group, coaching program, and a mastermind:

  • Coaching program: a curriculum-based training that includes group coaching.
  • Coaching group: a series of ongoing group coaching calls facilitated by a coach and members supporting each other, with no content required.
  • Mastermind group: a group of people with similar goals and challenges, who come together to brainstorm solutions and exchange ideas, facilitated by a coach.

When you use Group Coaching Genie, you can design and deliver any type of group you want. This platform is very simple but super flexible in how you set up your group programs. You can create training modules and your own curriculum, or simply schedule group coaching calls, and of course, allow group members to interact between the calls.

You want to find your own style or your favorite way to support clients. And that takes some practice and experience.

For example, I structure my group programs around a curriculum. Group members receive a weekly training module or lesson, then we get on a live group calls to discuss, mastermind, and answer questions. And of course, to offer coaching when needed.

I have seen one coach teach a new concept for seven minutes at the beginning of each group coaching call, then ask a question I cal a “bridge question”. This question serves as a bridge from teaching to coaching, or from teaching to implementation.

Overall, the design of your group is guided by your personality, your topic of expertise, and your clients’ preferences.

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