Doing It Alone


As a solopreneur working from home, I used to be proud of being able to do everything by myself. I could design my own webpages, write my own newsletter, coach clients, and basically run my entire business – all by myself.

Now I understand it is not something to be proud of.

The solopreneur mentality will never allow you to grow your business and if you try – will probably lead to burnout.

Today I am excited to have a team I can delegate to. They can help me run my business when I am away and complete tasks that are not in my “genius” zone.

Best of all, my team gives me so much peace of mind. My business continues to run and serve clients even when I can’t be there due to family or medical reasons.

So here are some questions for you to ponder…

  1. Can you walk away from your business for a week without upsetting anyone?
  2. Do you have the freedom not to do the tasks you don’t enjoy, and simply delegate them?
  3. Can you rely on your team knowing they’ll take care of the important things?